Friday, March 12, 2010

The Markilinski Vote

We keep hearing, from certain people, how Markilinski won by a landslide.  It's kind of hard to do that when you are the only one running.  You are, in essence, the winner AND the loser.  It is also an opportunity to get 100% of the vote.  This, however, was not the case for Markilinski.

Wendy Buzzard, Director of Elections for Armstrong County provided us with these figures.

There are 3,087 registered voters in Region 9

Number of people who voted in the Nov. 2009 election for Region 9 - Manor Twp. and Manorville Borough

Manor TwpNorth338
South 1241
South 2288
Total Manor Twp867
Manorville Borough  91
Grand Total958

958 total voters in Manor Twp and Manorville Boro who voted in the November 2009 election.

Number of voters that voted for School Director

Manor Twp.North265
South 1172
South 2204
Total Manor Twp.641
Manorville Borough  67
Grand Total708

708 is the number of Manor Twp and Manorville Boro voters that voted for School Director

Votes for Markilinski

Manor TownshipNorth257
South 1166
South 2197
Total Manor Township620
Manorville Borough  66
Grand Total686

686 Votes for Markilinski


250 didn't vote for anyone for School Director, they chose to exercise their right to under vote.

22 people voted for a write in.


2% voted for a write in

72% voted for Markilinski

Of Markilinski's votes, 49 were for straight Republican party and 38 were straight Democrat party.  We consider these votes "freebies" since they weren't a direct vote for him, he only got those votes because he was registered for both parties.

Yes, he won.  By a landslide, we don't think so.  For someone who should have gotten 100% of the vote, he only got 62.5% DIRECT votes.