Wendy Buzzard, Director of Elections for Armstrong County provided us with these figures.
There are 3,087 registered voters in Region 9
Number of people who voted in the Nov. 2009 election for Region 9 - Manor Twp. and Manorville Borough
Manor Twp | North | 338 |
South 1 | 241 | |
South 2 | 288 | |
Total Manor Twp | 867 | |
Manorville Borough | 91 | |
Grand Total | 958 |
958 total voters in Manor Twp and Manorville Boro who voted in the November 2009 election.
Number of voters that voted for School Director
Manor Twp. | North | 265 |
South 1 | 172 | |
South 2 | 204 | |
Total Manor Twp. | 641 | |
Manorville Borough | 67 | |
Grand Total | 708 |
708 is the number of Manor Twp and Manorville Boro voters that voted for School Director
Votes for Markilinski
Manor Township | North | 257 |
South 1 | 166 | |
South 2 | 197 | |
Total Manor Township | 620 | |
Manorville Borough | 66 | |
Grand Total | 686 |
686 Votes for Markilinski
250 didn't vote for anyone for School Director, they chose to exercise their right to under vote.
22 people voted for a write in.
2% voted for a write in
72% voted for Markilinski
Of Markilinski's votes, 49 were for straight Republican party and 38 were straight Democrat party. We consider these votes "freebies" since they weren't a direct vote for him, he only got those votes because he was registered for both parties.
Yes, he won. By a landslide, we don't think so. For someone who should have gotten 100% of the vote, he only got 62.5% DIRECT votes.